Marshmallow time!

Firepit package

This package is the perfect collection for your outdoor evening entertainment:

Beautiful Kadai Indian Fire pits are ideal for keeping guests warm late into the evening. Enjoy a chat and drink with friends while sitting cosily on welsh blankets and bales, gathered around a log fire with a difference! Perfect for any marquee event or garden party. The addition of our tables gives the guests somewhere to put their drinks too.

Package Includes
283FB284 E59E 44AB 9EB2 D4B43F279260 283FB284 E59E 44AB 9EB2 D4B43F279260 (1) 6D433D06 004E 4F21 91DF 3693867BC38B 5582645D 4B49 4D05 8D28 7841E0E66BFC

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